Ahem, We’ve Got News!
Ok. So this announcement has been a long time coming. We’ve been married ten whopping years TODAY. 10 YEARS. A whole decade of our lives. It feels like it’s gone fast and slow at the same time. Is that possible? We’ve gotten through school and more school and MORE school and first “real” jobs and countless other jobs leading up to those and promotions since. We’ve lived in 3 different cities, 5 different apartments and have purchased 1 home. We have 1 adorable dog who has been our fur baby for the last 6 years. We’ve had church callings that run the gamut. We’ve made some great friends. The kind that last forever. We’ve reconnected with family members that were previously estranged. We’ve paid off debt. We’ve cried, but mostly laughed. We’ve traveled to 10 different countries together. We’ve skied a lot. We’ve spent way too many hours at Disney theme parks and on cruise ships. We’ve gotten 401k’s and 403B’s. We’ve started businesses. It feels like we’ve done a lot. Like we’re actually adult-ing. And yet, there’s one thing we have yet to do. One thing that’s missing. One thing that we always knew we would do, it just needed to be the right time. Well, I guess after 10 years, that time is finally here. Without further adieu, our big announcement, photo style.
Make sure you scroll down. ALL THE WAY DOWN.
dun, dun, DUN…
p.s. We are SOOOO excited. Can’t wait to share more. XOXO.
So happy for you two! Congratulations!! That will be one lucky baby!
Hehe. Thanks!!! We are pretty excited!! 🙂