Disneyland Essentials: What to Take With You to the Park
Here’s a list of some of our favorite things to take to Disneyland. I’m not talking about what to pack in your carry on, this is what to physically bring with you into the park. Granted, there are probably a few more things you need to take if you’re going with little kiddos. Our strategy is to pack light and to not be weighed down by things we don’t need.
1. How to Pack It:
In case you weren’t aware, fanny packs are BACK. When Rhett picked this one out, I will admit, I was a little skeptical. But he’s brought it with us our last few trips and it’s been the PERFECT thing. I don’t even bring anything else, unless we’re bringing kiddos or my DSLR camera. Oh, and if you are too cool and a dude, you apparently call it a “Lumbar Pack” instead of a fanny pack. We also like to give our park tickets (get park tix here) to 1 designated person, and this pack is a great secure place to keep them and EVERYTHING ELSE listed below. In one pack guys. It all fits. It’s hands free and amazing.
2. When You Need More Power:
Battery Packs (For Charging Devices In-The-Park)
Let’s be honest, even at Disneyland, we use our phones for everything – taking photos/videos, posting Mickey selfies on social media, tracking wait times on rides, planning and using our fast passes, booking restaurant reservations, etc. This means we need to ensure that we are all charged up. Carrying a battery pack is a MUST. We use this one because it lets us charge multiple devices at a time and you can fully charge a phone 3 times! It is a little larger than your average battery pack, but we have no problem fitting it in the “lumbar pack” with all the rest of the goodies on this page. We also like this one.
Don’t forget to also grab a good lightning cable for all you Apple users. We love these and use them all over (home, cars, work, etc.) because we can’t stand how the apple ones always break at the ends. They come in all sizes, but these little 3 ft cables are the perfect size for charging on the go at Disneyland. And here’s the mini USB version for you non-Apple users.
3. Things to Stay Happy:
No, these aren’t for the weather, well… they could be, but we use them on the splashy rides (Splash Mountain, Grizzly River Rapids, etc.)! Nobody likes walking around in wet clothes. Put a few of these in your pack and you can keep everyone dry and ready for the next ride. We’ll often pay it forward by handing them to a lucky person waiting in line on our way out. So worth it.
Easy to Carry Snacks
Sometimes, waiting in a long line is inevitable. Having a few easy-to-carry snacks on hand prove to be invaluable when the hangry strikes. These fruit strips are some of our favorites but we’ve also gone with these in the past. They are narrow, so you can pack a whole bunch of them. Flavors are great and they always seem to be a crowd pleaser.
First Aid
I know there are a lot of ready-made first aid kits out there, but in my experience, you don’t need all that. What you need are band aids, ibuprofen, hand sanitizer (or sanitizing wipes) and MOST IMPORTANTLY sunblock (we love this little sunblock stick, it fits perfectly in the “lumbar pack,” provides good coverage and is 50SPF!). Lastly, don’t forget any medications that are specific to your family’s needs!
Now, don’t forget to stay hydrated. The good news is that you don’t have to pack around a heavy water bottle, because all of the restaurants (that serve any kind of drink) at Disneyland will happily give you a nice cup(s) of ice water. Take full advantage of this! I even find that the water they give you is a LOT better than the drinking fountains that are around. Do this a lot and keep everyone fully hydrated and happy!
4. Non-Fanny Pack Items:
Ok, this isn’t something for the fanny pack, but I think it’s super important, so I’ll mention it. Disneyland is a lot of walking. Like… A LOT of walking. Make sure you have shoes that you are fine standing in for long periods of time. I have literally worn out shoes by solely wearing them at Disneyland. For me, the best thing are tennis shoes with memory foam in them, like these. It’s important to find something that works for you. If your feet are happy, you are happy. And when you are happy, you can help make sure everybody else is happy!
Light Cover
If you are planning to stay all day, like we often do, you’ll want to prepare for temperature changes. Even in the summer, I like to bring a long sleeve shirt (like this one) that I can throw over whatever I’m wearing. I tie this around my waist during the day and throw it on when I need it. Even the AC in some of the buildings makes me cold, so I’m often happy I’ve got it. Check the weather and plan accordingly.
Don’t forget your shades! Not only is it pretty sunny a lot of the time in Anaheim, but when you get off one of those dark indoor rides and you walk out into the bright sun, it’s almost blinding! Just be careful that you don’t leave them on an attraction. I got these in a couple of colors and I LOVE them.
Well that’s it. These are the ESSENTIAL things we take with us to Disneyland. Even when we take our little nieces and nephews, we start with this list. Just talking about this makes me excited for our next trip. Grab your fanny pack (ahem, I mean LUMBAR PACK) and meet us there! Have other essentials that your family can’t live without?! Let me know in the comments!
OH, ALSO – Can’t not put in a plug for Get-Away-Today’s best holiday hotel deals. Their packages have been discounted and many are around $400 per person for a family of four – including a 4-night hotel stay and 3-Day Park Hopper tickets – say what!?! I’ve handpicked some favs for you: