Can’t Believe He’s TWO!
He’s two! He’s TWO!!!! Can you believe that? I know I’m having trouble with it.
His favorite things include: sea animals (especially sharks, octopi, orcas, sea turtles, seals, dolphins, crabs, lobsters, penguins and rays), cars (especially Lightening McQueen and Sally), trucks, trains, books and soft blankies. He can count to twenty and can recognize half the alphabet. Anything that’s big is a “mommy” and anything that’s small is a “baby.” For example: “mommy ball” and “baby ball” or you know, “it’s a mommy chicken nugget!”
For his birthday, we’re trying to do more experiences than toys this go around so we got him his first ski gear (tiny skis and boots are SO cute) and a membership to the local aquarium (read above about sea animals).
Snapped a few photos while we were at the library (and no, I’m not above bribing him with Swedish fish to sit still for two seconds, not that it worked…). Sure do love this smart and happy little guy of ours! Hope you caught the videos of his first time skiing in my instagram stories (if you didn’t, they are still there in my highlights)!